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Burial Information

A number of the 1st Battalion soldiers were classed as having 'no known grave' after the war. Nearly all of these soldiers during the war did have a known grave. Most of the soldiers that are now buried in a cemetery, during the war, were buried in a battlefield cemetery.


'Unknown Grave'

For most of the men with an unknown grave I have tracked down where they were buried during the war. I have also found documentation saying that after the war when the area was searched none of their graves were found and thus they were classed as having unknown graves.


There is still a chance these men were never shifted from their burial place during the world because two men that shared the same burial place where found after the initial search and 2 years later.


Unfortunately there are 5 men from the list of unknown graves that I have not been able to find much or any documentation stating the burial location during the war.


Extra Information:

There are two unknown Australian soldiers buried in Grevillers British Cemetery. These two soldiers are believed to be 1st Battalion soldiers killed in November 1916.

Known Grave Soldiers

Edmund Charles Ashford (M)

Douglas Mervyn Black (ZM)

James Septimus Brown (Z)

Frederick Buckingham (RM)

Roderick Hamilton Budsworth (RM)

George Edward Burns (G)

George Butcher (ZM)

George Stanley Chutter (MOG)

George Edward Cosgrave (G)

George William Earl (MOG)

Archibald Douglas Edwards (OG)

Thomas Cecil Innes Farley (O)

Ronald Berry Finlayson (Z)

Albert Charles Baden Govers (GZ)

Roland Edwin Hollingworth (OG)

Francis Agustus Kendrick (MOG)

George Norman Kilmister (MOG)

Leslie Clive Lake (MZ)

Henry Miller Lanser (ZOG)

Alfred Lucas (ZG)

Ambrose Mason (RZM)

John Daniel McDermott (ZM)

George Roith McKenzie (MG)

John Gordon Morrison (MG)

Frederick Stobo Phillips (Z)

Clarence Aubrey Noel Pollard (MG)

Walter Frederick Porter (MOG)

Thomas Edward Scott (MOG)

Wilfred Henry Sparling (MOG)

Arthur Valentine Steel (G)

Vincent Roy Stone (MG)

Cyril Ashdown Waghorn (#ZM)



Unknown Grave Soldiers - with documentation of their burial during the war

Buried: March 3rd 1917, about 450yards N.N.W of Gueudecourt Sheet 57c N.20 D.3.7

Alan Rowland Andrews (M)

Thomas Clive Bannan (M)

Gordon John Bromley (M)

Alic Jack Brown (RM)

Ernest Andrew Clarkson (M)

William Frederick Constable (M)

Robert Thomas Costelloe (M)

Charles Allen Cregan (M)

Herbert Oliver Elmes (RM)

Edward Fanning (RM)

Reginald Owen Flower (RM)

William John Gibney (M)

William Boyce Graham (M)

Charles Hambling (M)

John Harris (*M)

William Wigram Harris (RM)

James Albert Henry (M)

John Wilberforce Howell (M)

George William Jamieson (M)

Joseph James Lanyon (M)

James Albert Lewis (M)

Thomas Edwin Lunn (RM)

Osswild Daniel McGregor (RM)

Leslie Miller (M)

Robert Donald Miller (M)

David Macleay Murray (M)

Milton Dudley Penketh (RM)

Wallis Crossley Rankine (M)

Thomas Rutherford (RM)

Horace Neall Schofield (M)

Leslie William Tiedeman (M)

Sydney Carlisle Todd (RM)

Matthew Knowles Thorburn (M)

Sydney Alfred Percival Vandine (RM)

George Oliver Wallgate (M)

Thomas Whitton (M)



Other Unknown Grave Soldiers

The information in bold below is all I have been able to discover for these men.


Director of graves: Buried 2 ½ miles south of Bapaume

James Charles Simington (D)


Killed about N.19 B.8.8½ (Killed approximately 1500 yards N.W of Gueudecourt)

 John Harold McIntyre (X)


No exact co-ordinate found in any records for burial, just general stuff – can assume with others

Emanuel Hansen (X)

Niall Joseph Mullarkey (X)

George Joseph Parr (Z)

The letters after the soldier's service numbers / rank refer to records about their burial.

R - Same burial reference as Thomas Rutherford in their Red Cross File [Buried about 450yards N.N.W. of Gueudecourt Sheet 57c.S.W. N.20. D.3.7]


# - Same burial reference as Thomas Rutherford in their Red Cross File [Buried about 450yards N.N.W. of Gueudecourt Sheet 57c.S.W. N.20. D.3.7] Written differently


M - Same burial reference as Thomas written on their Military File [Buried about 450yards N.N.W. of Gueudecourt (Sheet 57c.S.W. N.20. D.3.7) WR1 (SH1 or SH2)] Some have these numbers as well: B4859 or B4683 or B1056 Sheet 18 or B4861 or B4868 or B4862 or nothing


O – Director of graves: Buried Bayonet Trench Cemetery, Gueudecourt [2 ¾ mls  S.S.W of Bapaume]


D – Director of graves: 2 ½ miles  South of Bapaume


Z – Other records showing burial location


G – Prime Minister’s Department Papers: Bayonet Trench Cemetery, Gueudecourt [Map Ref 57c.N.20.c.9.6]


X – No exact information found

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